Oh What Farm!
Join us on this fun engaging programme and get up close and personal with edible greens to experience the joy of farming.
2 hours
(Including 15min break)
Families with children aged
4-6 years old
4-6 years old
Min. 20 pax
(per session)
Learning Objectives
- To bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world environment.
- To bring awareness to children about food wastage and its consequences.
- To foster a culture of appreciation and commitment in the collective effort to address sustainability challenges.
Join us on this fun and engaging programme as we discover the origin of food, the different farming processes and why food is important to us. In this programme, young children will get an opportunity to get up close and personal with edible greens to experience the joy of farming.
Welcome & Classroom Activities [35 min]
- Students will be greeted by our warm and friendly facilitator.
- Students will investigate the origins of food and take a peek into the life of a farmer.
- Students will gain insights Into conventional farming and innovative farming methods.
Programme summary
SDC Urban Farm Tour
Break [15 min]
Guided SDC Urban Farm Tour [40 min]
Students will be exploring our urban garden with the help of our experienced centre guides. Here, they will get to:
- Stimulating their senses of sight, smell and touch by getting up close and personal with edible plants.
- Identify different herbs and vegetables by observing their unique features.
- Sow or harvest plants together with the facilitator and guide.
* Subject to availability, based on planting and harvesting season.
Classroom Activities & Debrief [30 min]
- Students will gain an appreciation of how we get food on our table and the issue of food wastage in Singapore.
- Students will be encouraged to play a part in reducing food wastage and contribute to urban gardening through a hands-on activity.