From Criminal Underbelly to Lifestyle Hub: A Chinatown Story of Brothels, Opium and Coolies

Description of Programme

Embark on a journey of discovery into Singapore's shady past as a struggling, developing nation rife with crime. Get a snapshot of an island that is almost unrecognisable from the modern metropolis we know today. 

Visit the now-recognised tourist belt of Pagoda, Smith, and Trengganu Streets and learn how coolies from places as far as China plied their trades while still forging strong bonds and friendships. At the Singapore City Gallery, understand the crucial role of urban planning and how the Urban Redevelopment Authority shaped the many streets and paths we walk today. 

Learning Objective / Total Defence Pillars

1. Total Defence (Social & Psychological)

2. Gain a better understanding of Singapore’s transformation from a developing island, into an advanced business hub.

3. Appreciate and be inspired by the stories of individual hard work and sacrifice, and the everyday life of labourers determinded to forge a better tomorrow for future generations.


Pagoda St, Smith & Trengganu Sts, Sago St, Keong Saik St, URA Singapore City Gallery 

Partially indoor






2 hrs

Session Timings

Session 1: 09:00 - 11:00
Session 2: 14:00 - 16:00

Pricing (per participant)

20 - 30 pax: $18

Available from Sep 2024

Terms and Conditions


a.  The units will be allowed to make a one-time amendment to their booking, to be communicated in writing at least ten working days before the conduct of the NE Activity.

b.  If the units submit an amendment to their booking less than ten working days before the conduct of the NE Activity, they will be charged an amendment fee. 


a.  The full amount will be charged per participant who is absent from the NE Activity without any valid reason. 

b.  The charges will be waived in full for absent participants with a valid reason subject to a maximum of 10 per cent of the agreed number of participants. 

c.  The following valid reasons for absenteeism are: 

c.i.  Submit a valid medical certificate or relevant medical documentation, or 

c.ii.  Furnish certain compelling reasons which are unrelated to work commitments, such as compassionate leave

d.  Relevant documentation must be provided within 5 working days of the completion of the NE Activity. 


a.  In the event that units request cancellation of confirmed NE Activities, cancellation charges may be imposed, if a cancellation notice is not received (in writing) at least 10 working days prior to the confirmed date of the Activity. The cancellation clauses will be as follows:

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